A one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest & at home meditation retreats...
From the Happiness PhD Project with Jackson Kerchis
“[Y]ou have to keep learning. What you formerly knew is not enough. If you don’t adapt, you’re like a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest.” — Charlie Munger
Charlie Munger (Warren Buffett’s now deceased business partner) is known for his business wisdom. But he offers some practical wisdom for a happier life.
First, in the quote above, he highlights the importance of learning — which I’ve shared before is what I call the “key to happiness”. In another talk, he shares a simple prescription for unhappiness. If you want to be miserable do as follows…
Depend upon chemicals to alter your mood.
Practice envy.
Foster resentment.
Be unreliable.
Learn only from your own experience (and never from others).
Go down and stay down.
And he reminds us that sometimes the best way to understand how to get something is to invert — think about how you’d get its opposite. The same goes for happiness…
In addition to longer articles — every few weeks I share a learning or thought on happiness like the one above.
Here are the latest resources from The Happiness PhD Project…
The At-Home Meditation Retreat is one of my favorite ways to deepen my sense of mindfulness, balance, and spirituality. If you’re considering doing a multiple day retreat, you may want to try this first. »How to do an at home meditation retreat«.
A recent study from the University of South Australia found they could improve mood in about 30 seconds with an incredibly simple trick — just hold a pen in your teeth… I explain it »HERE«.
Let me know what you think or request a topic by replying or commenting!
Your happiness nerd,
Jackson K.