The Most Important Thing I've Read & Zen Explained
I want to share the neuroscience research at the core of what I do and explain Zen in a few minutes (feeling ambition this week)...
In my events and courses the most important thing I teach is my Learned Happiness Model (LHM).
Think of it this way. What is something you’re pretty good at now? It could be a skill, an activity (like driving), a sport, a hobby, etc…
How good were you when you started?
How did you get from back then to now?
*Actually pause and think these questions over!*
You probably had a coach, teacher, mentor and/or watched videos, read books, took classes. And then (!) you put what you learned into practice.
So through acquiring knowledge and putting it into practice you went from not so good to very good.
How could happiness be any different?
It’s not. If we study the causes and conditions that lead to happiness and then put them into practice - we will be happier.
That’s exactly what the research from neuroscientist Richie Davidson shows. And that’s why I say it’s the most important research I’ve ever read.
I’ve also had good feedback on this video. It was inspired by a late night chat (after a few beers) with my best friends after getting back from my 4 months at the monastery.
Your happiness nerd,